Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Jackfruit mix in coconut and pepper chutney

Cleaned and washed jackfruit cloves 30, cut crosswise, skinless jackfruit seeds 15, chopped, curry leaves a sprig, turmeric powder 1/3teaspoon, salt to taste.
Cook in an earthen pot in a little water till soft to mash.
Coconut mix preparation 
Grated coconut a cup, shallots 2, garlic cloves 2, both chopped, cumin seeds 1/4 teaspoon, turmeric powder a pinch, salt to taste, green chilli 1 or 2. Grind it coarsely.
Add the coconut mix to the cooked jackfruit in low flame. Combine well. 
For garnishing
Coconut oil 1 tablespoon, curry leaf a sprig
 Add the curry leaves  and the coconut oil and combine the mix. Dish ready.chu
Serve hot with black pepper chutney.
Chutney recipe 
Coarsely grinded Black Pepper 4 tablespoons,
Ginger garlic paste 2 tablespoons, salt to taste and coconut oil 2 tablespoons.
Take the ingredients in a bowl and combine well. Chutney ready 😍
A great and full meal for dinner. You can have your favourite fish or meat curry as side dishes. 

Serving with soul makes a difference ❤️


Unexpectedly I happened to visit the cousin of my niece. Being a very friendly person whenever I get an opportunity to visit anyone, I won’t miss it. Why am I scribbling this is to express my love and gratitude to a young host who is so optimistic and positive.
When we arrived we were greeted with a beautiful smile. First time I am in their home. In all means it is a home. Systematically, simply and beautifully arranged home. We had water and a lovely chat. Then tea comes along with a heartily arranged plate of biscuits. This wonders me thinking about the happy mom of the home. The snacks served was arrowroot biscuits and khari. Both are excellent for evening tea. The way she arranged the snacks showed her health happiness and peace in her life. Base was strong by the flat biscuits and top with ambitious fluffy khari, like a beautiful little tower. Base is strong and tower is of satisfaction. I get a new example to quote in my classes about happiness and contentment in life. Thank you dear 🙏
I loved the way of your hospitality. Love and Prayers for you and your family❤️ God Bless 🙏🙏