Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Jackfruit mix in coconut and pepper chutney

Cleaned and washed jackfruit cloves 30, cut crosswise, skinless jackfruit seeds 15, chopped, curry leaves a sprig, turmeric powder 1/3teaspoon, salt to taste.
Cook in an earthen pot in a little water till soft to mash.
Coconut mix preparation 
Grated coconut a cup, shallots 2, garlic cloves 2, both chopped, cumin seeds 1/4 teaspoon, turmeric powder a pinch, salt to taste, green chilli 1 or 2. Grind it coarsely.
Add the coconut mix to the cooked jackfruit in low flame. Combine well. 
For garnishing
Coconut oil 1 tablespoon, curry leaf a sprig
 Add the curry leaves  and the coconut oil and combine the mix. Dish ready.chu
Serve hot with black pepper chutney.
Chutney recipe 
Coarsely grinded Black Pepper 4 tablespoons,
Ginger garlic paste 2 tablespoons, salt to taste and coconut oil 2 tablespoons.
Take the ingredients in a bowl and combine well. Chutney ready 😍
A great and full meal for dinner. You can have your favourite fish or meat curry as side dishes. 

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