Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Crushed chilli from homestead garden

Covid 19 pandemic activities 💕
Homestead products happiness 💕
Seeds from my chilli container 💕
Cultivation by myself 💕
Allowed a batch of chilli to ripe 💕
Dried it in sunlight 💕
Crushed in my grinder 💕
Crushed chilli ready in the pantry 💕
WoW amazing to be in touch with nature 💕💕


Rose apple (jambaka) vine and candy

The seasonal fruit tree in our homestead. Rose apple or jamba tree. Every season used to distribute, do cooking like pickles, curd curry and theeyal. Also sometimes prepare wine. This time after taking the wine, thought to utilise the crushed fruit into soft candy. Made sugar syrup, dropped in the leftover fruit stuff, roll it and sun dried for three days. Soft candy done ✅Happy when it turned out delicious. Another recipe in my Covid 19 pandemic cooking!