Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Garlic potato stir fry


Garlic the super star 🌟 in this simple dish. Others are turmeric, pepper, curry leaf and lemon juice. They all are side ingredients but they are the stars. Why to enhance our immunity power. That’s the special need of the hour. Let’s stay healthy to resist the attack of Corona virus 🦠. Now let’s come to the recipe. So simple, multiple roles for this humble and delicious dish. Good for snack, good to have with rice and roti.
Medium potatoes 3,
Garlic a bulb 
Salt to taste 
Curry leaf 2 sprigs
Coconut oil 1 tbsp.
Turmeric powder 1/2 tsp.
Crushed pepper 1-2 tsp.
Peel and cut the potato into thin slices. Peel the garlic and slice it thinly. Heat oil in a shallow pan, drop in the potato and garlic, allow to get stewed, add salt and curry leaves, combine well. Now bring the flame to low, combine well and allow to cook. You can do other works in the kitchen. Stir the ingredients in the pan intermittently. When 90 percent is cooked, it’s the time to add turmeric and crushed pepper, Combine well. When done, close the pan and keep for 2-5 minutes. That will make your dish moist. Serve with lemon tea. Super for evening snack.
Garlic is having medicinal values, good for heart and gut health. So also turmeric having antiseptic, antibacterial and also antioxidants. Pepper great for cardio respiratory and gut health. Lemon juice good for cold and cough. Go for it. Everyone likes it. Let’s stay healthy!!!

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