Thursday, October 31, 2019

Nutritious Omelette

Baby mushrooms chopped 2 tbsp., bell peppers 2, chopped, carrot 1, peeled and grated, ginger grated 1/2 tsp., cilantro chopped 2tsp., salt to taste, crushed red chilli 1/4 tsp., (optional), olive oil 1tsp., egg 1. Break the egg in a bowl, add rest of the ingredients except olive oil,  mix well with a fork. Heat a pan, drizzle olive oil, pour the egg veggie mix allow to cook in medium heat, flip the omelette and cook the other side. Since the base is not strong because of one egg take care to flip it without breaking. Even if it breaks your artistic hand can join it to maintain the omelette shape. The nutritious value is great in this omelette with the antioxidant veggies. A simple yet great way to have a nutritious and delicious breakfast.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Spaghetti Squash noodle pasta

Spaghetti squash is a winter vegetable rich in fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It is very low in calories so helps weight loss. The fibre content is good for digestive health. It is a perfect vegetable substitute for pasta with low carbohydrates. It is really a great way for kids to eat vegetable while enjoying pasta. A cup of cooked spaghetti squash has about 85 calories while a cup of cooked whole grain pasta has about 220 calories. In winter season go for this dish twice in a week with different veggies and meat. You are going to have a great nutritious meal for dinner.
How to prepare 
Steam cook or bake the spaghetti squash in the oven.
When it cool down cut it into half or slice it with a sharp knife. Scoop out the seeds. Use a fork to pull out the ribbons of pasta. Heat a wok, pour in your favourite pasta sauce allow to bubble up. Add the spaghetti squash ribbons combine well, adjust salt and serve hot drizzling olive oil and Parmesan cheese. Our daughter made it and our grandkids loved it. 
You can prepare the pasta with roasted veggies and chicken strips for more taste and flavour.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Sprouted green lentils with grated coconut

I usually don’t allow the green gram to sprout too much. What happened is that I forgot about the bowl of soaked green gram( moong). On Monday I need two cups of the sprouts for preaparing a savoury and a sweet dish. Kept aside the balance in a corner and totally forgot. On Friday noon I happened to see the bowl and wondering whether it is good. It was about two inches long sprouts and looked good. So thought of making our traditional thoran for lunch. That too in an easy way. Cooked it and it comes out so delicious. Above all it is highly nutritious and more healthier.
100g of Sprouted green gram is having about 6g carb, 3g protein, 4g sugar, 2g dietary fibre and above all rich in vitamins and minerals. The benefits are a lot
It helps in digestion, reduce acidity, builds up immunity, delays ageing, improves eyesight, boosts blood circulation and is of course heart friendly. Have more antioxidants and amino acids.
Sprouted green gram 1 bowl,
Grated coconut 1 cup,
Shallot 1, garlic clove 2 both chopped finely,
Coconut oil 1 tbsp., turmeric and cumin powder 1/3 tsp. each, mustard seeds 1/4tsp., curry leaf a sprig, salt to taste.
Just steam the sprouted green gram with sprinkling little water and salt to taste. No need to steam. I love to cook in a speedy way.
Heat oil in a pan, drop in mustard seeds, allow to splutter, drop in curry leaves followed by shallots and garlic. Sauté till tender then add turmeric and cumin powder, mix well and add the grated coconut. Combine well, then add the steamed green gram. Mix well, adjust salt and serve with rice, yogurt, pickles and papadum. It’s  a great side dish along with chapati and rotis.
We had lunch and then only thought to share the recipe in my blog. Immediately transferred the balance ‘thoran’ in a serving bowl and took picture.
Now I am going to do four or five day long sprouting to have a nutritious and delicious dish.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Watermelon in Yogurt

Cut the white portion of watermelon removing fruit and the rind into rectangle pieces. It not that easy to cut into squares or rectangles. As far as possible go for it.
 Green chillies 3, slited,
Curry leaf a lil,
garlic cloves 2, finely chopped.
Cilantro 3 or 4 sprigs chopped
Except cilantro cook  the ingredients in a little water adding 1/4 tsp turmeric powder and salt to taste. When cooked bring the flame to low, add 1/4 tsp. of cumin powder and a pinch of fenugreek powder. Mix well then add 2 full cups of yogurt. If it not reached your consistency add half more cup of yogurt, add cilantro and adjust salt. Just when it bubbles off the flame.
For garnishing
Coconut oil 1 tbsp., mustard seeds 1/4 tsp., dried red chilli 2, curry leaf. Heat the oil, drop in mustard seeds when it starts spluttering add red chilli followed by curry leaves. Pour it into the yogurt mix. Ready to serve with rice 😍 Those who like can have it as a yogurt soup.