Monday, April 20, 2020

#covid19# lockdown# stayhome. A healthy black coffee

To start a day with a healthy drink is the lifestyle . That too, if prepared by our beloved is more special. Our morning coffee is my husband’s special for almost the two decades. He use to improvise the coffee to give a special touch and difference in taste. Anyway the coffee turns out delicious, nutritious and branded in his name. Our children now says, they need Achan’s (dad’s) coffee. Now the coffee is so good to drink in this lockdown because of it’s medicinal properties. It is a therapeutic drink. 
Water 3 cups, palm jaggery ( karupatti), 50g,  crushed pepper 1tsp, ginger powder 1tsp, crushed cumin seeds and cinnamon a a pinch each. Boil thoroughly these ingredients in a saucepan for 3-5 minutes.
Tulasi leaves 7, panikoorka (Plectranthus amboinicus) leaves 4. Add these two leaves and two tsp. of coffee powder. Allow to boil for two more minutes. Strain the coffee ☕️ into the serving cups and enjoy sipping little by little in your balcony or garden with gratitude for the beautiful sunrise 🌅
Feel free to adjust the measurements of the ingredients as per your taste. This is my husband’s recipe❤️ My husband improvise with various ingredients such as nutmeg mace, cloves, cardamom and  crushed coriander. It is anti inflammatory and boosts immunity. The herbs in the coffee frees lungs disorders.
Relieve cough, cold, sinusitis and blocked nose
Aids in digestion
Rich in iron
Rich in aroma

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