Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Pappaya and Spinach

This is the recipe I made first time in my life. We were on transit at our home for a month in between Australia and United States. Even we got a month were busy to complete some urgent visits within and outside states. There was a healthy spinach plant in front of our home ready to harvest. So also papaya. I don't want to neglect the spinach. The day before our departure went for a veggie dish of papaya and spinach. It was delicious, nutritious and organic.
One medium papaya. Peeled and sliced and cooked. Spinach chopped. Green chilli 2, silted.Turmeric powder 1/4 tsp., salt to taste, shallots 4, garlic cloves 3, both chopped. Coconut oil 1 tbsp.
Heat oil in a pan, drop in shallots, chilli and garlic, sauté till aroma spreads, add spinach, turmeric and salt, sauté, add papaya and coconut, combine well. Adjust salt. Serve with rice.

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