Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Lentil juice curry

(Red lentil 1 cup, soaked for 4 hours, pressure cooked in a cup of water, drain out the juice and the juice is used for this curry.
The cooked lentil can be sautéed.)
Lentil juice 1 cup, tamarind concentrate 1tsp., asafoetida powder 1/2 tsp., black pepper powder 1/2 tsp., garlic paste 1/2 tsp., coriander powder 1 tsp., red chilly powder 2 tsp., salt to taste.
Combine the ingredients, add one more cup water and allow to boil.
For garnishing
Coconut oil 2 tsp., mustard seeds 1/2 tsp., dried red chilly 2, curry leaf a sprig, chopped cilantro 2 tbsp.
Heat oil in a pan, drop in mustard seeds, allow to splatter, add red chilly and curry leaves, pour the mix into the curry, add cilantro, mix well, adjust salt. Serve with rice.

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