Thursday, June 25, 2020

A healthy lunch idea with veggies

Healthy lunch with home grown veggies. 
Bitter gourd in yogurt with bilimbi 
Bitter gourd 1, cut into small pieces,
Bilimbi 12, cut into small pieces,
Green chilli 9, silted,
Shallots 3, garlic cloves, 7, finely chopped,
Salt to taste,
Turmeric powder 1/2 tsp.,
Yogurt 2 cups.
Cook the veggies and condiments along with salt, turmeric powder in a little water.
Whisk the yogurt and add to the cooked mix. Add a tbsp. sugar and mix well. Allow to bubble in low flame.
Garnish mustard seeds, dried red chilli and curry leaves in coconut oil and pour to the curry. Transfer into a serving bowl.
Long beans coconut stir fry 
Long beans a handful, washed and chopped chopped,
Onion 1, garlic cloves 5, green chilli 2, all three chopped. Cook the ingredients in a little water adding salt and turmeric powder.
Heat coconut oil, drop in mustard seeds, allow to crackle, drop in red chilli pieces and curry leaves, mix well, add 1/3 tsp. cumin powder followed by 1/4 cup grated coconut, mix well in low flame.
Transfer into a serving bowl.
Jambakka ( rose apple) pickle 
Jambakka 10, washed and chopped,
ginger 1 inch piece, garlic cloves 3, both finely chopped,
Kashmir chilli powder 1 tsp.,
Asafoetida powder 2 pinch,
Salt to taste,
Sugar 1/2 tsp.,
Sesame oil 2 tsp.
Heat the oil, drop in ginger and garlic, sauté it, add jambakka, stir in low flame, add the powders, salt and sugar. Transfer into a serving dish.
Serve with hot rice. 

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