Monday, June 29, 2020

Pumpkin flower in egg omelette

Super healthy omelette with the special ingredient pumpkin flowers. Only male flowers are used in cooking. These flowers are rich in vitamins and minerals. Enhances immunity.
So simple to prepare and equivalent to a main meal.
Eggs 2, break into a bowl,
Pumpkin flowers any number you have, (I got 5 and used it to prepare this omelette), cut the bottom and remove the stigma. Wash it, drain out the moisture, and cut into small pieces,
Shallots 4, green chilli 1, garlic 2 cloves, all finely chopped,
Turmeric powder a pinch,
Salt to taste,
Coconut oil to prepare the omelette.
Add all the ingredients except coconut oil to the eggs. Whisk it well.
Heat the required oil in a pan, pour in the egg mix and cook both sides into golden colour.
It becomes so fluffy. So nice to have as a tea snack, or side dish with main meal or as a meal along with your favourite drink like hot milk, tea or coffee.

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