Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Spinach rice ( Cheera choru)

Always love the idea of one pot meal of balanced nutrients. The essential carbs, starch, vitamins, minerals, protein, fibre in a single meal is something great. It boosts the immunity. The green spinach is home grown. Health is more important. Freshness and quality add to it. Thus the meal today with carrot raita . The yogurt probiotic and good for gut health. 
Biriyani rice 1 glass, washed cooked with salt to taste, few pepper corns, cinnamon stick, cloves, nutmeg mace to taste along with 21/2 glasses water in a pressure cooker for a whistle. Allow to cool down, open and spread the rice in a wide bowl, run with a fork to get separated.
Spinach a handful, chopped,
Onion 1, thinly sliced,
Garlic cloves 7, ginger 2 inch piece, both finely chopped,
Green chilli 5, silted, Chopped cilantro 2 tbsp.,
Salt to taste,
Coconut oil 1 tbsp.,
Fennel seeds 2 tsp.
Heat oil in a shallow wok, drop in fennel seeds, allow to fry, drop in onion, garlic and ginger, allow to cook till tender, add salt and green chilli, mix well, add spinach, combine well and allow to cook. Then add cooked rice, combine well without breaking the rice. 
Prepare the raita with a carrot and yogurt. Add salt to taste. Add 1/2 tsp. sugar to adjust the sour taste of yogurt. Enjoy your healthy, delicious and nutritious lunch.

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