Tuesday, May 26, 2020

#covid19#Lockdownhealthycooking# Red spinach egg stir fry ( Cheera mutta chikku)

Lockdown time pass for both of us is Agriculture. After 2018 flood all the seasonals and some of the perennials were vanished. Not even a single pepper plant survived. Then reconstruction of our house and homestead, social and domestic activities, pre planned trips to visit our children every thing took about 18 months. We are back, in lockdown and directly into our garden. For the last month we are having enough spinach varieties, pulses and pumpkin leaves along with our Moringa, mango, bilimbi, rose apple, banana and jackfruit. Plenty of veggies for us and to share. Thank God🙏 Lockdown is going great with healthy activities and healthy food.
Today morning plucked some red spinach. Commonly used to prepare curry with dal, avial with mango, stir fry with coconut and snacks like Pakora, vada and cutlets. Today a new recipe. So I can post in my blog.
Red spinach a handful bunch , cleaned, washed, drained and chopped,
Eggs 2, ( I prefer hen eggs),
Shallots 5, green chilli 5, garlic cloves 5, all three finely chopped,
Turmeric powder 1/3 tsp.,
Salt to taste,
Coconut oil 2 tsp.,
Cilantro a little, chopped 
Heat oil in a a wok, drop in shallots, garlic and green chilli, sauté till tender, add spinach, turmeric and salt, mix well, when sautéed, break in the eggs and add cilantro. Combine well. Allow for a minute to get the eggs cooked. Mix again and transfer into a serving bowl. Serve hot with rice. Good for chapatti also. Leftover if any won’t taste good.So better to have it freshly cooked.

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