Thursday, July 30, 2020

Steam banana cake in Macaranga peltata leaves

A traditional steam cake. Malcaranga peltata is known as ‘vattayila’ in Malayalam. We got a small tree in our homestead garden. Once in a while love to steam ‘ada’ in the leaves. No sugar or jaggery is added. So this snack can be categorised under super healthy food. This is good for breakfast. 
Ripen sweet banana 10, peeled and smashed in a mixer.
Wheat flour 1-11/2 cups,
Salt a pinch,
Cardamom powder 1 tsp.,
Cumin powder 1 tsp.,
Grated coconut 1 cup.
Add all the ingredients in a bowl, combine and mix well into a smooth loose dough.
Take enough water in a steam cooker and allow to boil. 
Take a scoop of the dough, place it on the centre of the ‘vattayila’ and fold it into square or rectangle shape covering the batter. Place the folded batter on the tray inside steam cooker. Cook for 10-15 minutes till the cooked smell spreads out. Allow to cool a little and serve hot. 

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