Friday, September 4, 2015

Medicated Dry Bar

Fried Rice flour 1 cup, palm sugar  1 lb., made into syrup, turmeric powder 4 tbsp.,
garlic paste 4 tbsp., pepper powder 1 tbsp., dried ginger powder 1 tbsp., ajowan ( carom seeds )
powder 2 tbsp., coconut oil 1/4 cup,salt a pinch.
While palm sugar syrup in low flame, add all the ingredients, stir quickly to avoid lumps, stir
till the mix form a thick battery form.
Mean while brush a tray with coconut oil and pour the batter into the tray, quickly spreading
the top with bottom of a spatula to get a plain surface. Give knife cuts on the batter while hot,
to break it easily when cooled.
Allow to cool, break through the lines and have a bar after dinner.
This is specially for delivered moms to start on 21st day. Can have up to two weeks.
Good for rejuvenating uterus and good for digestion.

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